Tag: linux
Episode 27
Moss, Dale and Tony discuss what has been going on and review Storm OS and Feren OS 2021.10
Episode 26
Moss Bliss, Tony Hughes and Dale Miracle are back Talking about Zorin 16, Sparky Linux 6 LXQt, KaOS/Elementary dual-booting, Reviews: Xero Linux, Sparky Linux 6 Mate
Episode 25
This time it is just Moss and Dale talking about:
Netrunner 21.01 - XOXO and Bodhi 6 (64-bit) -
Episode 24
Tony, Moss and Dale are back. This month we discuss: Monthly Foibles Updates: Pop!_OS 21.04, Linux Mint 20.2
Beautiful Failures: printer on Mint 20.2 Reviews:Redcore Linux Orion, BlissOS 11.13 -
Episode 23
Tony, Moss and Dale are back. This month we discuss: Monthly Foibles Updates: Bodhi, openMandriva Rolling, Bluestar, Garuda, Solus Beautiful Failures: Document scanning in Linux, SolydK, Bliss OS, Manjaro flavors Reviews: FreeBSD 13-Release, Manjaro XFCE
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