Episode 21

Tony, Moss and Dale are back. This month we discuss:
Updates: mentions of Feren OS, KDE neon, GhostBSD
Beautiful Failures: Endeavour OS, Nitrux, Emmabuntus Reviews: Debian (Sid) Unstable, Mageia 8 (Plasma and XFCE)

Contact Info:

For chatting with us further, you may choose to join our 24 users in Telegram, our 53 members on MeWe, or the 120 or so members of the mintCast channel in Discord.

Dale: I’m on Telegram as @Dale_CDL, my email is [email protected]

Tony: You can contact me at [email protected], http://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents.php?hostid=338, Occasional Blog https://tony-hughes.blogspot.com/, Twitter @TonyH1212, [email protected]

Moss: and you can reach me as @zaivala on Telegram, at [email protected] and on Mastodon at @[email protected] plus my various blogs and music sites and, along with Dale and Dylan, at It’s Moss dot com. Tony and I can also be found almost every week on mintCast.

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