Tag: fedora
Episode 51
On this episode we talk server upgrades, WiFi woes, Xebian and Fedora fails, and review BunsenLabs Linux Boron and KDE neon User Edition featuring the recently released KDE Plasma 6.
Episode 42
This Month Moss and Dale are Joined by Eric our new host and discuss BigLinux, OpenMandriva, ROME, Slackel, FreeBSD, Void, Voyger, Ubuntu Budgie and Xubuntu in updates. Reviews are Elementary OS7, Zinc 22.04.2 and Fedora 37
Episode 29
Moss, Tony, Dale and special Guest Josh discuss updates to Mint 20.3, Bodhi 6.1, Solus, XeroLinux, Redcore and Debian and review Voyager 21.10, Archo Linux and Fedora 35
Episode 13
Moss and Tony are back with a special Guest, Leo from Mintcast Joins us to talk about Fedora, Moss talks about Ubuntu Mate 20.04 and Tony Talks about Q4OS 4.0r3
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