Tag: distrohoppersdigest
Episode 17
Moss and Tony are joined by Dale Miracle to discuss our latest looks at Linux this month GhostBSD, Pop!_OS and KaOS
Episode 16
Moss and Tony are Back supported with another review from Dale. In this episode we cover Linux Mint 20, SparkyLinux, Solus Plasma, Ubuntu Unity and Gecko Linux.
Episode 15
This time Moss and Tony look at Bunsenlabs Linux and share what they have learned while they Distro hop. We also welcome a community review of Slackel from our friend Dale Miracle.
Episode 14
Moss and Tony are back for this months show talking about Pearl OS 9, Kubuntu 20.04 and KDE Neon
Episode 13
Moss and Tony are back with a special Guest, Leo from Mintcast Joins us to talk about Fedora, Moss talks about Ubuntu Mate 20.04 and Tony Talks about Q4OS 4.0r3
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