Tag: distrohoppersdigest
Episode 32
Moss, Dale, Josh and Tony are back discussing Linux Distro's. This month it's Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE 5) and Smart OS.
We also have our usual Monthly Foibles and Beautiful Failures and Updates on Distro's we have reviewed before.
Episode 31
Moss, Tony et al are back discussing all our favorite Linux stuff from the last month.
Reviews of Slackware 15, Zorin OS 16 Professional and Chimera OS
Episode 30
Moss, Tony, Dale, and Josh are back this month to talk about what we have been up to and reviews of: Gecko 999 Gnome Rolling, Gecko 153 Budgie Static, and Deepin OS
Episode 29
Moss, Tony, Dale and special Guest Josh discuss updates to Mint 20.3, Bodhi 6.1, Solus, XeroLinux, Redcore and Debian and review Voyager 21.10, Archo Linux and Fedora 35
Episode 28
Moss, Tony, Dale and special Guest Josh discuss what has been the highlights of their Linux year in 2021
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