Episode 39 Show Notes

MONTHLY FOIBLES  …wherein we discuss what we did this month

Moss: I went to a convention in Illinois where I got to sing a lot and sold more than a few CDs. I also had a birthday. And then I had my T540p decide that sda was sdb and vice versa. After coming up with ideas, it seemed I might have to reinstall everything. I started with Mint, and it turned out that doing that fixed the rest. Not fun but I got it done. As of yesterday, the machine is partially doing the same thing, sdb3 is being sent to sda3. I tried to load StormD OS and I got Linux Mint 21.1 instead. I am beginning to think I should just remove the second SSD and just run with max two distros on it.

I bought new machines for myself and my wife. She got a ThinkPad T590 with i7, 16 Gb RAM, and a 512 Gb Samsung nvme drive, and I got a ThinkPad T580 with i5 (faster and cheaper than the i7 that year), 16 GB RAM, and a 256 Gb Samsung nvme drive. I also just accidentally learned that it also has a touchscreen, and that using the touchscreen completely messes up the mouse. I need to do more research on that.

I intend to sell my T560, and I still have my T430 and HP Workstation Z800 for sale.

Dale: I drove up to Microcenter to look around, it had been 4 months since I last visited. They had some deals on wall tap surge protectors. They are the type that attaches to the electrical outlet instead of an extended power cord attached to a housing providing additional outlets. The design is excellent because they use the same screw to attach it, which also holds the wall cover plate on the outlet. I bought two with 3 outlets plus 3 USB charging ports and one with 6 outlets with no USB ports. To my surprise, the prices of webcams were pre-pandemic prices and lower than what I paid for my 12-year-old Microsoft LifeCam when it was new. The LifeCam started having issues many months ago, like making me look like I had a sunburn along with random focusing issues. The quality of the new webcams is quite impressive.

I tested the 64 GBs of memory that came with the CPU and motherboard that was gifted to me. I used Memtest86, which is a bootable ISO. I reset the motherboard to default settings and then enabled the XMP profile for the memory. The test ran 4 passes which lasted 11 hours and 50 minutes. No errors were found. Then rebooted into the UEFI and enabled the overclock genie. It provided about a 600 Mhz increase in CPU frequency. The test ran two more passes for about 5 hours or so. After that, I considered it passed.

The Linux activities I had was with my new Solus Budgie installation on my desktop. I installed applications and restored my backups. Using the option to shrink the bottom panel, I can retain the functionality and look of the Dash to Panel Gnome extension I was using on Gnome. Enabling my favorite keybinding was next. While doing that, I saw where to enable the Virtual Desktops. After learning how it works in Budgie, I am quite happy with it. I didn’t like the default key bindings, so once the custom key bindings were set, I could open an application on my first desktop and send it to another desktop. I used the Superkey, which is also known as the windows logo key. The Super key Shift and the number of the desktop will send the application to that desktop. To switch to each desktop, I use the Super key and the number of the desktop. Alternately, clicking on the application in the pane will switch to the desktop where that application is on. This makes the desktop less cluttered and allows the windows to be larger so I can see them better.

I tried the Live USB of Solus Budgie on my System76 Pangolin. Everything worked except for controlling the keyboard backlight and LED colors. There are some non-System76 projects on GitHub for this, but they require files that are in Pop!_OS. I submitted a support ticket asking if they have a way to control the keyboard lights outside of Pop!_OS. Their tech support has been helpful in the past. I had some correspondence with tech support. The news is good and bad but hopefully, I will have a good outcome. They do have support for Arch and Fedora-based distros. The bad news is they require DKMS to load the kernel module. Solus doesn’t use DKMS, they create their own kernel and initramfs. I will need to chat with the Solus devs on IRC to see if they could include it.

Josh: I got my makeshift server rack up so that my switch and my router are now mounted somewhat properly. I have also been playing a lot of retro games on my little Anbernic handheld gaming console. It resembles a steam deck but is much smaller, but the perfect size for handheld games. I also bought three 12TB drives for my server so I can store more data. Other than that just a lot of traveling over the holidays and all.

UPDATES (Where we discuss what we have learned about distros we’ve already reviewed.
Moss: Linux Mint 21.1 seems to be performing well on my machines. Great update. For a change I’m running Cinnamon. Q4OS said they were going to concentrate on version 5, but they snuck in a 4.11 edition, too late for me to review this episode. They also have an update for their version 3 series, 3.16, just in on January 1st.

Dale: Slackel 7.5 Openbox edition was released. It offers Kernel 5.15.12 and the latest updates from Slackware’s Current tree.

Bluestar Linux released a new ISO on the 23rd of December, they mentioned if you are having issues with Kernel 6.1.1, an update to 6.1.2 will be available asap. The 32-bit edition is delayed due to the issues with the 6.1.1 kernel.

XeroLinux has brought back their Gnome edition, kinda. Those are their words. It is called XeroG. It will not be available publicly, instead, it will be available to the Platinum Tier Patrons.

StormOS has mentioned a Manjaro edition coming soon.

Josh: nothing to report.

BEAUTIFUL FAILURES – What we tried, and failed, to install or run this month

Moss: Nothing failed this month.

Dale: The failure I have this month is with my initial installation of wattOS. My T460 was set for GPT partition and UEFI only. The wattOS USB stick wasn’t even recognized. I then enabled CSM and UEFi modes. After the installation, I was met with a Grub boot prompt. After some research, I saw that they are using GRUB not GRUB2 which knows about GPT and UEFI. So it obviously didn’t know where anything was because it was expecting the first partition at sector 63. GPT also uses the first sector but starts its first partition at sector 34. This is a total incompatibility.

If they used GRUB2, they could have used the GPT partition. The solution is to create a 1 MB partition at the beginning of the drive and set it to BIOS boot or GUID 21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649. Do not create a filesystem, it is only there to fill space to align the sectors. GRUB2 will then install the bootloader at the beginning of the next available free space.

Technically you should be able to install UEFI-only distros on the same GPT drive as the CSM/BIOS-only distros. UEFI’s firmware only needs the FAT-formatted partition to load its UEFI stub files once GRUB2 is done loading. It shouldn’t bother the partition required for CSM.

Josh: Nothing really failed for me.

Let’s move on to the reviews.



INTRO: Tony and I have each reviewed Q4OS in the past. Tony last reviewed 4.0 Beta; it is now at 4.10 official, which follows 4.9. Communication with the team indicates that they are working on version 5 at present, based on Debian Bookworm, and they are still maintaining the 3.x branch. The two main goals of this project are to keep it available for older hardware, and to be able to switch seamlessly between Plasma and Trinity Desktops. You may remember discussions of Trinity Desktop, which was forked from KDE 3.5; it is currently on version 14.0.12. When I reviewed this distro in 2020, I found Trinity to be disappointing, So I’m sticking to Plasma this time.

MY HARDWARE: For this review, I used my Lenovo ThinkPad T540p. This computer has a 4th-generation Intel Core i7-4710MQ, 16 Gb RAM, and a 256 Gb Samsung Evo SSD and a 512 Gb Silicon Power SSD, with both Intel HD Graphics 4600 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M graphics. I installed it on the Silicon Power disk, sdb1.

INSTALLATION EASE AND ISSUES: As with many of these installations, you run the livedisk. The first thing that comes up is a KDialog: “You may want to enlarge text and widget size to improve readability. Click OK to run a configuration tool for screen setup and scaling.” The next KDialog states “Wireless network card detected. WiFi support enabled. Click OK to run a WiFi connection to create a network connection.” This runs, and leaves a button “Connect & Save”. Then there is the Select Language dialog box, which looks like a throwback to Windows 3.1.

It then loads a Plasma screen, with a Welcome Box having things you can set up in Q4OS. You need to ignore this right now, because you’re not installed yet, but get back to it after installation.

The installer is Calamares. You have the option of Desktop, Basic, Live, and Pure. You probably want to install Desktop; the other installations will still do all the updates and then remove programs, so you’re not going to save any time. And it takes a long, long time, almost 20 minutes with the wifi signal I have at school. There is a good messaging system, so you know what is going on at all times, much better than some systems which only have a status bar and you don’t know what’s going on for a long time.

When it’s done, you reboot.

POST-INSTALLATION HARDWARE FACTS & ISSUES: The distro saved my wifi password to the installed ISO, which is always great. I had no trouble grabbing control of Grub from my other installations. I then booted into Q4OS and was given the Desktop Display Setup Dialog box again. Then the desktop appears, with the welcome screen. Options are to:

  • Run Desktop Profiler
  • Install Applications
  • Install Proprietary Codecs
  • Screen Scaling (which is unnecessary, as you have already been prompted to set this up)
  • Set Autoalign
  • Hardware Info

Running the Desktop Profiler allows you to install as many desktops as you like, from the list of Plasma, Trinity, LXQt, Xfce, LXDE, Mate, Budgie, Cinnamon, and Gnome. The team is committed to making Plasma and Trinity available with a single keyclick, and are working on getting the other desktops similarly established. It is very easy to change the look of your desktop, but I’m missing how to switch to other desktops, which is intended to be simple.

The Software Center is interesting. It looks like they created this app themselves. Installing something is easy, and uninstalling is just as easy, except you have to select it and click Install Application – you are then presented with “This application is already installed; do you wish to uninstall it?” and it’s an easy ride from there. Newer users will have trouble figuring out how to uninstall unless they get lucky and take a leap of faith – it’s like turning your computer off with the Start button, something all Windows users have to learn.

It’s not the latest Plasma, either, currently using 5.20.5 (current is 5.26). Discover works but it’s not perfect. I attempted to uninstall Thunderbird using Discover, and while it did it effectively, as proven by a check in Synaptic, I was never informed it had completed the task. I found that the desktop theme using an actual dock was far too slow, so I switched to the “Modern” theme which had a bottom, centered taskbar, and that worked a lot better.


There must be something wrong with me. This is the 3rd Debian distro I have reviewed consecutively. And, like the others, it works, I am happy with it, and I could easily live with it.


7.4 GB of space used on the SSD

511 MB of memory used was reported by free –hm.

EASE OF FINDING HELP: The documentation is a bit sparse, and the lead devs are not native English speakers or writers, but you can find things. I sent an email to the devs and had a response in about 20 minutes. There is an active forum, although it only has 1,745 registered users. But there is very little you can’t find. The base is Debian Bullseye, and Plasma is well-used; you might have more trouble if using Trinity Desktop.

PLAYS NICE WITH OTHERS: Yes, definitely. It uses Grub, and it was no problem grabbing control of Grub from any of my other distros installed. Grub Customizer still works in Debian 11 and older (and therefore this distro).

STABILITY: It is difficult to find anything more stable than Debian Stable. Some users may be wishing for newer software, but Q4OS is mainly aimed at older hardware.


Debian Plasma



Ease of Installation             new user               8/10

experienced user 10/10

Hardware Issues                                             10/10

Ease of Finding Help (Community, Web)          8/10

Ease of Use                                                    10/10

Plays Nice With Others                                   10/10

Stability                                                           10/10

Overall Rating                                                 9/10

FINAL COMMENTS: I’m not sure what to say. It would be nice if the Plasma was more current, but the distro is clearly made for older machines. This works and feels nice. I did not try Trinity this time, as it is hardly a preferred desktop unless you’re on a 32-bit machine and like the feel of Windows XP. But you could do a lot worse than this distro, and it is easy to recommend.



INTRO: wattOS started in July of 2008 based on Ubuntu 9.04 through 9.10 using LXDE. LXDE, released in 2006, is an abbreviation for Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. It looks and functions like Xfce or Enlightenment. LXDE by default uses the Openbox Window Manager, however, you can use others such as Fluxbox, IceWM, or Xfwm (the Window Manager used in the Xfce Desktop Environment).

I couldn’t verify who the developers were, I only found posts by Biff Baxter and Ron Ropp; Biff is who you hear in their release announcement on their Youtube channel. It is easy to assume that Biff and Ron are the sole developers, or at least are on the project team.

Their first version comprised 3 betas and 2 release candidates. The naming convention they used for versions is Release, abbreviated as R, and the version number. R2 was the first non-beta version released in June of 2010 based on Ubuntu 10.04. Over the years, they have used various distros as their base (Debian, Ubuntu) and offered different desktops and window managers, sometimes several desktops/window managers for one release. R9 also was reduced down to the LXDE and Microwatt editions. In 2021, the old wattOS website was refreshed in January announcing wattOS R12 coming soon.

For wattOS 12 they rebased on Debian once again. This time they are using version 11 Bullseye with the Contrib, Non-Free, and Backports repositories added. Kernel 5.10, LXDE 11, and Flatpak support are provided.

I found they have a Twitter account so I followed the timeline. Nothing was mentioned that wasn’t already mentioned in the Internet Archive of their website. There was a Tweet from January 30th, 2021 that read, What was old will be new again…coming soon again! with a link to the old website.

MY HARDWARE: The laptop I used is my Lenovo ThinkPad T460. It has an Intel Dual Core i5-6200U 2.8 GHz CPU, a 14″ display using Intel HD Graphics 520, 16 GB of RAM, and a 500 GB Samsung 860 EVO SSD.

INSTALLATION EASE AND ISSUES: wattOS uses the Calamares installer. The laptop was required to be plugged in and must have an internet connection. The installation instructions on the installer don’t mention the internet requirement; I found out when it failed the first time I tried installing it. The error was that it couldn’t connect to the remote repository. So after I connected to my phone’s hotspot and opened the installer again, I selected my language, location, and keyboard settings. US English was automatically selected. For disk partitioning, I selected Erase disk, which was odd considering that I had previously deleted all the partitions. It should have already recognized that the disk was unused. I entered the information to create my user account and opted to require my password to log in, which is the default. The installation time was about 4 minutes after completing all the necessary steps. Due to the smaller ISO size, the decompressing time required was less than Titan Linux. Restart Now was already checked so I clicked done to reboot.

POST-INSTALLATION HARDWARE FACTS & ISSUES: Upon reboot, the Grub boot menu was themed with an image of Outer Space, it was blue with some bright stars. The boot options were boot wattOS, boot wattOS in safe mode, and utilities. The utilities were a hardware report using a menu-type graphical interface, which used the keyboard to navigate the options.

The login manager was LightDM, which is a good choice in my opinion, as it has many configurable options. I needed to enter my username and my password, as the option to list available users was not used. Once logged in, the wallpaper was a bright scene of a beach with waves rolling onto the shore. In the background, there is a large rock formation sticking out of the water.

The WiFi passphrase wasn’t retained from the installation and needed to be entered again. The speakers were muted by default. I was able to click to unmute along with controlling it with the keyboard controls Fn F1, F2, and F3. They are Mute, Volume up, and Volume down.

There is one panel located at the bottom starting with an application menu, file manager, Firefox ESR, and the terminal emulator. On the right side are the speaker, WiFi, time (date when clicked on), lock screen using XscreenSaver, and a logout/shutdown options button. There is a documents folder and Recycle Bin on the desktop.

There are not many applications installed by default. In the Accessories folder, there is Mousepad, which is a text editor from the Xfce Desktop; Screenshot, which as the name implies a utility to create screenshot images; VIM, The Vi improved terminal-based text editor, so good it is hard to quit (LoL Sorry, I can’t resist making that joke whenever I see Vi or Vim); and Xarchiver, a GTK+ archive manager for zip and tar files.

Under Graphics there is a non-descript document viewer and gThumb which is a GTK-based image viewer. Under Internet, there is Firefox ESR version 102.6, the Extended Support Release. Transmission, a popular BitTorrent Client. Under sound and video were Pulse Audio Control and VLC media player at version 3.0.18.

Under System Tools, there is PCManFM. A very lightweight file manager that has many features like dual pane view, open the current folder in the terminal and running a command in the current folder. GDebi is used for installing deb files. GParted, a well-known Gnome Partition Editor at version 1.2.0. Htop is a graphical terminal-based app for displaying system resources like memory, CPU, and running applications. The terminal they are using is LXTerminal from the LXDE project at version 0.4.0. Last on the list is Task Manager also from the LXDE project, which is similar to Htop except it uses a desktop GUI interface.

The remaining folder is the Preferences, where you can manage the system and desktop configuration. Like Bluetooth, Keyboard/Mouse, monitor, and the Synaptic Package Manager. Many package managers are based on their look and functionality.

The first thing I did was use Synaptic to update the packages. Click on reload to refresh the package cache, then click on mark all upgrades, followed by apply. Then I let it download and install the updates. When I checked on it later, it had a pop-up window. This window was due to a Grub upgrade. It was asking where to install Grub, my options were /dev/sda or /dev/sda1 (my root partition). Placing the mouse pointer over the options showed a nice explanation. I knew my Grub was on sda1 because my root partition was marked bootable. This can be seen in the Gparted application. The help window wrote when in doubt, have it written to all listed locations. For a new user, the answer of all locations works. This would still be a hard choice for a new user to make.

The on-screen brightness and volume notifications are not available when I use the Fn F1 through the F5 keys. However, I can confirm that they do work. I placed the mouse pointer over the speaker icon in the System Tray and noticed the volume percentage moving. I also noticed the screen getting brighter and dimmer.

I noticed that the battery status was missing from the System Tray, so I opened the power management app to enable it. This setting is only necessary for laptops, so I can see why it wasn’t enabled by default.

Flatpak is installed but like in many other distros, it is not configured for use with Flathub. I can understand it not being enabled as a form of risk management due to some software not being FOSS. I am not a Lawyer/Solicitor so I don’t know what the risks are, if any.

There isn’t a notification service for new software/updates. Your choices are using Synaptic or APT in the terminal. Since Synaptic is the only GUI Software Center installed by default, you will need to install/remove/update Flatpaks in the terminal.

I looked at the sources.list file and saw that they are only using Debian’s Repositories. While in the terminal, I added the Flathub repository. I installed Signal Messenger via Flatpak and Telegram from the Debian Repository.

When I installed Telegram, the only window decoration shown was the close button. To enable the same window decorations used by the other apps, open the Telegram settings and then open the advanced settings. Three sections down is System Integration, in that section select Use system window frame. From there you can also choose to have the System Tray Icon and the Task Bar icon visible.

I noticed that Signal wasn’t listed in the application menu. I opened it from the terminal and saw this error. It basically informed me that because the two .desktop folders were not in the XDG_DATA_DIRS, I would need to log out and log in for them to show up. Oddly they didn’t upon doing that. So I went down a rabbit hole of XDG. It is much too detailed for this review, so I will give a brief description. X Desktop Group (XDG) was the original name of Freedesktop.org, They host Xorg, Wayland, and Mesa among many other projects. XDG Base Directory Specification (XDG BDS), a Gnome project, is a range of variables that define where user-specific files used by programs can be located. The XDG_DATA_DIRS is what I needed to edit, it is one of the many variables available in the XDG BDS specification. The config file is located in the home folder under .local called user-dirs.dirs . It follows the same syntax as the .bashrc file. At the end of the file, I added the following: XDG_DATA_DIRS=”$HOME/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share”

The variables must be in all upper case and path statements are in lower case. The folders are separated with a colon. I rebooted the laptop and signed back in. The Flatpaks were now all listed in the application menu. You can think of XDG BDS similar to the path statements in the .bashrc or .profile file so it can locate executables. I will include the links to the list of the software hosted by Freedesktop.org Freedesktop Software Project List and the Gnome Developers site for XDG BDS Gnome Developers XDG BDS.


This is a simple, easy-to-use desktop. If you are a fan of the Windows 95 through XP menu interface, you will be very comfortable using it. There isn’t any Super Key menu pop-up functionality. If you want to open an application, you must find it in the application menu or via the terminal. Overall this has been a good experience. The lack of the Super Key functionality is a deal breaker for me.39


5.9 GB of space used on the SSD using du -h

339 MB of memory used was reported by free –hm.


I didn’t seek out any help since this was a Debian-based distro. However, they do have web–based forums and Discord.


If you are wanting to dual boot with other distros using the MBR partition type, then you should be fine. If you feel adventurous, you can try to do some custom partitioning using GPT.


This is a non-issue, as this is a Debian base with a 5.10 kernel. This is current enough for the computers wattOS is intended for.



Linux Lite

BunsenLabs Linux

antiX Linux


Ease of Installation             new user              7/10

experienced user 9/10

Hardware Issues                                           10/10

Ease of Finding Help (Community, Web)      10/10

Ease of Use                                                     8/10

Plays Nice With Others                                   5/10

Stability                                                          10/10

Overall Rating                                                8/10


I took some points off for Ease of Installation because the need for internet access was not mentioned before the installation was started. I also chose the middle of the road for the Plays Nice With Others. Points were deducted in the Ease of Use due to the Flatpak apps not appearing in the application menu, but not everyone uses Flatpaks.

Once configured this is a very usable and stable distro. I noticed that even with a couple of tabs open in Firefox with Signal and Telegram open, The RAM usage was about 1.5 to 2 Gigabytes. This would be fine for a computer with 4 Gigabytes of memory and a small HDD or SSD.


DISTRO NAME: Garuda Linux

INTRO: I almost gave up on this one. Garuda is just not the distro for me and truthfully I don’t see how anyone can stand it at least with the KDE Plasma Dragonized edition. I really should have tried another desktop but the Dragonized edition is the flagship so that is what they spend their time on. I tried not to let that skew my review but it was a challenge from beginning till end.

MY HARDWARE: The hardware I tested on was my Ryzen 7 5800X CPU with 16 GB of DDR4 RAM at 3200 MHz and my Nvidia 1650 Super GPU.

INSTALLATION EASE AND ISSUES: This part would have been good but the Dragonized KDE Plasma is so bogged down that it’s insanely slow so it took forever to just get this installed. It uses the Calamares installer so it’s an easy install and they add a lot of extras to the installer. They allow you to choose your desktop and filesystem and all which is really nice but it’s got a lot of crap to install so it takes forever.

POST-INSTALLATION HARDWARE FACTS & ISSUES: Once installed it still runs slowly and I have no slouch of a machine. The animations are slow, the desktop switching is slow and the apps open slowly but I think it literally has to do with the animation speed being so slow. It does have a lot of applications pre-installed, like Discord and some gaming applications, so that is nice but it’s just so slow I can’t really reliably use it. This is just personal preference but I also think the theme is a little much but that’s just me; I know others who like it as it is. I also had some applications crash on me and some of the plasmoids as well which was strange for a Plasma distro; usually it is solid.

EASE OF USE: The distro is easy to use for an Arch base they try to add a lot of tools to help manage different aspects of the distro so that is a plus. The welcome screen is one of the best out there that is super nice.


15 GB of space used on the SSD

1500 MB of memory used was reported by free –hm.

EASE OF FINDING HELP: Help is readily available between their forum and the arch wiki. I believe they also have a Discord but I didn’t look into that.

PLAYS NICE WITH OTHERS: Garuda uses grub2 so I would say it should play nice with others even though I didn’t test it.

STABILITY: I would say not too stable cause I had applications crash and other issues like that including the entire desktop freezing on me where I had to restart the whole computer.

GAMING EASE: I would say pretty good. I tested several games and they installed and played well under proton and also native.



Endeavour OS

just about any Arch with Plasma


Ease of Installation             new user                9/10

experienced user 10/10

Hardware Issues                                               7/10

Ease of Finding Help (Community, Web)          9/10

Ease of Use                                                       6/10

Plays Nice With Others                                     8/10

Stability                                                             4/10

Works with Games                                            6/10

Overall Rating                                                  7/10

FINAL COMMENTS: This distro was just not for me at all. From its looks to its functionality it just didn’t impress me. I had several crashes and some things just didn’t work. The neon theme did not help either. The thing is there are many other desktops available for this distro and maybe the others work well but the Dragonized version is way over encumbered with unneeded things that cause issues with the stability of the desktop. Maybe I need to look into the other desktops for Garuda in a future episode.


from 11/30 to 01/03

ArcoLinux 22.12.02

PCLinuxOS 2022.11.30

NixOS 22.11

SmartOS 20221201

Regata 22.0.7

EasyNAS 1.1.0

4MLinux 41.0

Gnoppix 22.12

OpenIndiana 2022.10

NomadBSD 131R

FreeBSD 12.4

SparkyLinux 2022.12

Kali 2022.4

deepin 20.8

Puppy Linux 22.12

RebeccaBlackOS 2022-12-12

Berry 1.37

Kaisen 2.2

XeroLinux 2022.12

AVLinux MX-21.2.1

SmartOS 20221215

KDE neon 20221215

TrueNAS 22.12.0 “SCALE”

Daphile 22.12

Debian 11.6.0

Debian Edu 11.6.0

SystemRescue 9.06

ExTiX 22.12

Guix 1.4.0

BunsenLabs Beryllium

Springdale 8.7

EndeavourOS 22.12

Tails 5.8

Mint 21.1 all flavors

Peropesis 1.9

Hyperbola 0.4.2

NuTyX 22.12.0

KDE neon 20221222

Q4OS 4.11

ArcoLinux 23.01.03

Bluestar 6.1.1

Clear 37860

Haiku R1-beta4

Manjaro 22.0

Mabox 22.12

Zephix 6

Pardus 21.4


IPFire 2.27-core172

siduction 22.1

Vanilla 22.10

Calculate 23

CachyOS 221230

Ultimate 2022.12.31

Archcraft 2023.01.01

Q4OS 3.16

Nitrux e1a83a37

Arch 2023.01.01

Ultramarine 37

MakuluLinux 2022-12-29

DragonFly BSD 4.6.0


We had an email from one user and some mention on our Discord group that shows Google has finally closed Feedburner, which means we need to find a new way to send our podcast to the feeds. Dale is investigating how to do this and we will have it solved shortly (I have faith in Dale’s ability to fix things). In the meantime, you will have to get your downloads directly from our website. We may need to move the website off Blogspot, as it is another tentacle of Google.


Moss: For chatting with us further, you may choose to join our Telegram group or our Discord channel.

Josh: I’m @joshontech on most social networks or email me at [email protected], Also you can find me on the CrowbarKernelPanic podcast.

Dale: I’m @Dale_CDL on Telegram and Discord. My email is [email protected]

Moss: And you can hear me every week on Full Circle Weekly News and mintCast. My email is [email protected], and I’m on Mastodon as @[email protected], plus you can find me, Dale, and Dylan, at Its MOSS dot com.

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