Episode 29 Show Notes

MONTHLY FOIBLES…wherein we discuss what we did this month…

Josh –I Got my laptop back from repair and it’s kinda fixed. The light bleeding has moved from the middle of the top of my screen to the left corner. I can actually get rid of the light bleed if I press on the back of my display while holding the front with my thumb. I think I could actually use some clear tape to fix this issue. It may look stupid but at least the bleed would be gone.

I also switched my HDD in my laptop with one of my SSD in my desktop. With today’s modern and bloated OS’s a HDD is no longer a viable option. Also I have been spoiled by SSD speeds. I will just say this, it literally took me hours to download, install, and boot Ubuntu, let alone how long it took to install and load a modern game.

Speaking of my Desktop I am planning on migrating my server from my old laptop workstation to my desktop. I am doing this because I now have my laptop and it’s probably 4 or 5 times more powerful than my desktop for gaming. Also my desktop is probably 5 to 10 times or more powerful than my workstation laptop. I have nextcloud and plex running on my server right now so I will be able to have plex use my nvidia gpu to transcode video if need be.

Dale –I continued with my project of compiling Pop Shell and Cosmic using Debian Stable. I will speak more on this in the Beautiful Failures section.

With my renewed interest in Gnome, I installed Debian Testing (Bookworm) on my Lenovo T460 which has Gnome 41 available in the repo. I have tried to recreate a similar look and feel compared to Pop!_OS. I went through and tracked down all the fonts that were used and installed them. I used Gnome Tweaks to change some of the default settings. I also found a nice Tweaks-like extension that I want to share: it is called Just Perfection. If you like tweaking Gnome, you need to install this extension. The amount of settings you can change is quite extensive and too many to name. Between Gnome Tweaks and Just Perfection, there is very little you can’t change in Gnome that can be changed.

I’ve been trying a new workflow, so I disabled the Super Key from opening the Activities screen, since  I couldn’t make it open ULauncher like how Pop!_OS does with their version of it.  If you haven’t tried ULauncher, you need to take a look, that is, if you like the launcher functionality in Pop!_OS.  Instead of using the SuperKey, I assigned a hot corner in the upper left of my screen to open ULauncher. I accomplished that by using an extension both Josh and I use called Custom Hot Corners – Extended.  I still use the SuperKey combined with another letter for other functions such as opening the terminal via Super-T.

In non-computing activities, I’ve been trying to be slightly less of a hermit and eat breakfast or dinner at my favorite restaurant called Farmer Boy.  It is family-style with a decent menu and all-day breakfast available. After driving upwards of 11,000 to 12,000 miles or 16,000 to 19,000 km for work, I tend to stay at home or close to home.

I have a habit of sitting at my desktop computer from the time I wake up till I go to sleep. So I have been taking a day and partial days where I don’t turn the computer on and instead watch tv from bed.

Tony –Well just before Christmas my new PC which I mentioned on the last show arrived, and I have to say I am very happy with it. I initially had a couple of issues with understanding the UEFI BIOS settings and how they show bootable drives but after getting help from the Juno help desk I was able to get Mint 20.2 installed alongside of the installation of Ubuntu 20.04 which I gave around 50Gb of disc space when partitioning the SSD for the Mint install. After installing Mint I had to enable some Juno PPA’s to install their driver set for the hardware so my graphics would set correctly. So the PC arrived with an AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX CPU (8 cores 16 threads), 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD and 32Gb of DDR4 RAM and I can tell you it is a beast. In real world tests I am getting about 5 times faster performance in real world against my older 3rd Generation i7 CPU with 24Gb of DDR3 RAM. Tasks such as image and audio editing are just so much faster. Just opening a 5Mb image in GIMP is almost instant, whereas before it would be about 5 to 10 seconds before GIMP started and the image loaded fully.

I’ve installed Gnome-Boxes and VM’s running in it are like they are on bare metal so much smoother than in Virtual Box, the one issue I have is in the latest version, the developers have removed the easy ability to share files, folders and peripherals such as printers across from the host to the VM and I haven’t worked out how to do this yet. I did see that it is possible in theory to connect to the VM using a new Gnome tool called Connections which I have installed but so far I haven’t had any look with that either.

Other than that I have had a quiet holiday. We just had 1 friend join us for Christmas Lunch and spent the rest of the time chilling out watching TV and doing some model restoration of my Die-cast cars. I did join the HPR New Year Marathon a couple of times over the 26 Hours. We also watched the New Years Special of Dr Who in the evening of New Year’s Day, another strange episode which I have still not fully figured out.

Moss –I got my new desktop computer in, a Lenovo ThinkCentre Tiny M700 with i7-6700T CPU and 16 Gb RAM. I had to ask some friends for help getting Linux on it, because it has a trickier BIOS than Lenovo laptops do, and wound up posting the procedure on It’s MOSS dot com. But I had it up and running in no time, and actually recorded an episode of Full Circle Weekly News on it on the same day I got it. This is replacing my ancient HP Z800 Workstation, as it runs faster and more reliably as well as uses considerably less power. I have a 128 Gb SSD on it for now, with Mint 20.2. Mate and Bodhi 6 installed on it. All this for under $400 except for tax.

Then, just as I was about to attempt to sell the Kudu, Suzanne decided she liked it better than the T560 I bought her, which means I got the T560 and had to set up the Kudu for her, and the T560 for me, and now have a T540p to use as my second or testing laptop or sell, as well as selling the dock that came with it, the finally-retired T430, and the HP Z800 Workstation. So along with the new tablet, my side of the house is 100% Lenovo and Suzanne is running System76 for the first time.

I also just started back in on mintCast as of Episode 378. I think I can keep up the schedule, at least for a while. (Have to pass Tony for 8th place on the hosting list at least, LOL.)

I also have a brand new stainless steel 30-cup percolator to replace my 42-cup aluminum one. Better coffee for better podcasts.

In other news, Dale’s articles on the history of the desktop have been picked up by Full Circle Magazine. I believe they will begin in Issue #176.

UPDATES (Where we discuss what we have learned about distros we’ve already reviewed)

Moss –Mint 20.3 finally dropped on January 5th, even Distrowatch missed it on that day. Also, Distrowatch’s Jesse posted an article on the top distros of 2021, and listed Bodhi 6 third. And on the 4th, Robert Wiley announced a beta of Bodhi 6.1 running Enlightenment e25; the Moksha beta is almost ready.

Dale –I am going to lead with the shocking news first. Joshua Strobl / Experience Lead of the Solus Project and Lead maintainer of the Budgie Desktop has resigned from Solus. Not to go into all of the drama, it is succinct to say it was mostly due to personal differences. He and the Solus team say that it will be business as usual. Josh will continue to maintain Budgie and the Solus team will re-organize the project accordingly. Josh is going to join Ikey Doherty to work on Ikey’s new distro called Serpent OS. Ikey incidentally created Solus and left the project in 2018.

XeroLinux has released two new editions. In addition to KDE Plasma, they now have Gnome using version 41 and Xfce using 4.16.  I will have the link to the new website in the show notes.Xerolinux.xyz for further details.

Redcore, the Gentoo-based distro, had a serious issue with Sisyphus.  Sisyphus is the package manager in addition to Gentoo’s Portage. Sisyphus had issues with upgrading the system, compiling packages from source instead of using the pre-compiled binary, etc. This update to Sisyphus must be manually applied. A link to their blog post will be in the show notes.Sisyphus Update

There is a new tool called Fnt which is a font utility to preview and install fonts from Debian Sid and Google Web Fonts. Fnt is available in the Testing and Sid repositories. With this utility, there are now 2,000 fonts available.  A link to this blog post will be in the show notes.2,000 Fonts for Debian

Tony –Well Mint 20.3 has arrived and I have already updated the new PC and my main laptop, not noticing too much difference everything still works which is always good and as for the changes I probably don’t use them or they are just background improvements, but no complaints here, it works.

Josh –No updates for me. I have not been on the show long enough for really much more than what you guys have already mentioned.

BEAUTIFUL FAILURES – What we tried, and failed, to install or run this month

Moss:I had attempted to install 3 desktop versions of ArcoLinux this month. Two of them, Mate and UKUI, worked fine, although I liked Mate better and will review that below. The Cutefish version installed, but failed to update, with two files reporting as “corrupted”. I reinstalled more than once, and also installed the Plasma version and got the same result. I’m guessing the corrupted files have something to do with Qt, and have let the Arco people know.

Josh: Trying to use an HDD for an OS or Gaming. With modern games and OS’s being so bloated, it’s almost impossible to stand the speed at which an HDD goes anymore. Also my one server had an USB failure which technically was my fault but I don’t actually know. I tried putting Ubuntu on zfs on the flash drive and then it went into read only mode and that was it couldn’t get it out. I tried many fixes but nothing seemed to work so I am sending it in for RMA replacement.

Dale:As I mentioned last episode, I was suggested to edit one of the config files that was downloaded from System76’s GitHub repo. Sure enough, that is where the problem was.  It was pointing to a subfolder that didn’t exist in the repo.  I replaced it with the name of the parent folder and was able to compile that module.  That was a short-lived victory once I moved on to the next module: After satisfying its dependencies, it failed to compile.  Unfortunately this time it was a vague (to me) error message from Rust.  I searched for that error and read what it meant.  All I can say is, that is 5 minutes of my life I am not getting back. LOL. I don’t know any programming.  However, I have learned quite a bit compiling from source for over 2 decades.  I can usually figure out what caused something not to compile. Well, Rust’s compilation errors are something I can’t figure out. I posted this error on the Github bug tracker but to be honest I doubt I will get a response.  This is not a slight against System76 at all.  The documentation clearly states this is intended to be compiled on Ubuntu. So I can understand not wanting to spend time on a non-standard build environment. I am going to upgrade to Debian Testing and try again, as the updated libraries may help fix the problem.

Tony:So I talked about the new PC, well just after getting it and successfully installing Mint it stopped recognising USB Boot drives. It took me a while to figure out that I had disabled this in the BIOS when fiddling around so once I reverted back to the correct setting all was well, and I can now boot USB drives if needed. The Moral of this is don’t fiddle with things you’re not sure of.



DISTRO NAME:Voyager 21.10 GE


Voyager is a distro from France. It began in July of 2009 based on Ubuntu, version 9.04 “Jaunty Jackalope”. It is available with a Ubuntu base or a Debian base.  The Ubuntu editions are 21.10 GE Gnome 40, 20.04 LTS GE Gnome 3.36, 20.04 LTS Xfce, and 20.04 LTS GS Gaming Xfce.  The Debian editions are Debian Bullseye Gnome 3.38 (called Voyager 11), Debian Buster Gnome 3.38, and the Gaming Debian Buster Gnome 3.38.  They also have it optimized for Tablet use.

I will be reviewing Voyager 21.10 GE Gnome 40, which is based on Ubuntu’s 21.10 preview/evaluation release.


The laptop I used is my Lenovo ThinkPad T460.  It has an Intel Dual Core i5-6200U 2.8 GHz CPU, 14″ display using Intel HD Graphics 520, 16 GB of RAM, and a 500 GB SSD.


The boot options in Grub are Voyager, Voyager (safe graphics), OEM install, Boot from next volume, and UEFI Firmware Settings

The boot-up of the ISO was very long.  It took 2 minutes for the desktop to appear and another 30 seconds for the Installer to open. Once in the installation, it was very quick and responsive.

They are using Ubuntu’s Ubiquity installer.  After selecting my language and keyboard settings the next screen was the option of connecting to WiFi.  Once connected I proceeded to the next screen where you have the options of a ‘Normal Installation’ which includes a Web browser, utilities, office applications, games, and media players.  Additionally, you can install updates while in the installation, along with installing Third-party software (Graphics, WiFi drivers, and media formats).

The partitioning is the standard Install alongside (if you have another OS installed), Erase disk, or something else.  That is where you can do some custom partitioning.

Next is the timezone selection, followed by the user account creation.  The usual options of Login automatically and require my password to log in are available.  A unique option of Use Active Directory is also available.

After the installation, a dialog box appears instructing you to click ‘Restart Now’.  Another message will appear asking for you to remove the installation media.

After the initial sign-in, a window popped up asking if you wanted to connect your online accounts.  Further questions were asked if you want to send diagnostic data and if you wanted to open the App Store.


None found


The specific version of Gnome is 40.4.0 using Wayland. They are using a Yaru dark theme except for using the Oreo black cursor.  It is a tear-drop shape which is a bit different.  The wallpaper is reddish-orange, it is hard to describe so I posted a screenshot in the DistroHoppers Telegram group.  They have a Conky showing the time, date, CPU, memory, battery, and drive space usage.  At the bottom of the screen, they are using the Dash to Dock extension.  It has commonly used applications such as Firefox, Files (file manager), Text editor, Notes, Gnome Software among others. They are using quite a few extensions with many more installed but not enabled. Add to Desktop, Coverflow (Alt-Tab animation), Tweaks, and Extensions in the System menu are a few of the enabled ones.  Show Desktop, the Sound input & output chooser, Top panel notification icons are a few of the disabled ones.

They have Deja Dup Backup installed.  Upon logging in I kept getting an error that the backup folder doesn’t exist.  I looked at the settings and saw a foreign word listed in the storage location.  I found out that it was the French word for Backup.  I disabled it by clicking the Backup automatically option toggle to “off”.  When I did that, the Ubuntu Crash Reporter opened and asked if I wanted to send a report.  I just clicked ok and then the sudo password prompt opened.  I entered my password.  Then another Ubuntu Crash Reporter opened asking for another report. I clicked ok to send the report again.  This was followed by another popup showing “System program problem detected, Do you want to report the problem now?”.  I clicked ok, yet again.  It prompted me for my sudo password and asked if I wanted to send it.  Well, it kept doing this so I rebooted the laptop.  After the reboot, no more backup error messages or crash reporting prompts.

Though that was not the end of some odd issues. I found that the Dash to Dock extension has a few of its own.  It has disappeared from the desktop a few times.  I would look in the extension settings and notice it was still enabled.  Disabling it and re-enabling it sometimes would reload it otherwise a logout/login or reboot was needed. In other more serious errors, clicking on the icon in the dock to show the Activities would partially lock up the desktop requiring a reboot.  I say partially because I could still move the mouse and access the system menu in Gnome’s top panel. The hot corners didn’t work when this happened, but I was able to do some SuperKey key combinations.  Each time I was able to use the top panel to select the power off/logout option.  I don’t use Dash to Dock so I don’t know if this is a bug with Gnome 40 or not.  Pressing the SuperKey to open the Activities worked fine so I am thinking it is an extension issue.

One extension I don’t see used often is Quake-mode.  It allows any application to be used as a Drop-down window similar to KDE’s Yakuake Drop-down Terminal Emulator. You can also assign a keyboard shortcut for each application. Voyager is using it with Gnome Terminal to provide a drop-down terminal window. The icon appears on the Top Panel.

I didn’t have any other issues while using Voyager.


Memory used 705 MB and 14 GB on the SSD.


From what I have read on their website.  The developer due to time constraints and other reasons closed the forums.  There is a contact submission page.  However, the preferred method of support is from the Ubuntu and Debian forums.


I installed Voyager alongside Debian Testing.  After installation Voyager was the default OS to boot.  There was a boot delay allowing me to select Debian Testing.  Editing the Grub config manually or with Grub Customizer can change the default setting.


Other than the issues with the Dash to Dock Extension, I didn’t have any other crashes.


Ubuntu Gnome LTS or the 21.10 release.


Ease of Installationnew user                                   10/10

experienced user      10/10

Hardware Issues                                                     10/10

Ease of Finding Help (Community, Web)                 8/10

Ease of Use                                                             8/10

Plays Nice With Others                                           10/10

Stability                                                                    8/10

Overall Rating                                                        9/10


Given this was using Ubuntu’s test release, it was overall pretty stable.  Without having experience with Dash to Dock, I would assume using 20.04 would be less problematic. I think a person that is not used to the vanilla functionality of Gnome will find Voyager a more pleasant experience.  There are enough extensions and default UI changes to make it more user-friendly. I would say using the 20.04 LTS release would be best unless you want to wait for Voyager to update to 22.04.  The only big difference is Gnome 3.38 in the LTS  and Gnome 40 which is expected to be in the next LTS release 22.04.


DISTRO NAME:ArcoLinux Mate

INTRO: ArcoLinux is a distro which claims to be for beginners to install, but which will gradually turn them into pure Arch users. I’m not so sure about the long-term goal, but I did install it easily and updates have been simple and complete. I managed to install both ArcoLinux Mate and ArcoLinux UKUI, but I found myself liking Mate much better and concentrated on that.


I’m running on my T540p, with an i7-4710MQ @ 3.500GHz, both Intel and Nvidia graphics, 16 Gb RAM, installed on a 512 Gb Silicon Power SSD. The last week before the show I installed it on my “new” T560, with an i7-6600U @ 2.6-3.4 GHz, with Intel Skylake GT2 graphics, 8 Gb RAM, and a 250 Gb Samsung 870 Evo SSD.


I got it installed on the T540p. Everything ran smoothly until I was informed that Grub could not install. I got the same thing from my installations of the UKUI version and the Cutefish version. I installed these on the second SSD in my system, with Mint and Bodhi on the first SSD. I pulled my hair out, I tried a few things, I asked a bunch of friends what I might be able to do… and then got a wild idea to just go back to Bodhi and run Grub Customizer. Voila, I had Grub, and it booted. Not only that, but it booted just like any other Debian system. This is the nicest boot I’ve ever had from any Arch distro, in that I didn’t need to boot from BIOS for one system or another, just had a nice Grub boot. After that, I have not had any problems at all with the Mate.

As a bonus, when I installed it on the T560 on sda4, I got absolutely zero issues and it even installed grub (which I then had to steal back for Bodhi just so I knew what I was doing).


This distro feels so comfortable I have trouble telling I’m not on Mint Mate. Also, if you are a gamer, there is a meta package for installing Steam and all its dependencies and Proton and WINE and all in one simple step. I did that in front of my gamer cousin, trying to get her more interested in Linux, and we had her all signed into his Steam account in minutes. I also found that a standard installation includes one of my favorite Mint tools, mintstick.

[Discussed later in the show: The desktop comes with Conky, with multiple available themes, giving you good at-a-glance system stats, and the terminal is configured to open with neofetch.]

EASE OF USE:No problems here. You don’t have to use Pacman, Pamac is a graphical updater and works just fine and is quite well integrated into the system.

MEMORY AND DISK USE:ArcoLinux Mate reports 602 MiB RAM usage. Full installation uses 10.2 GiB of disk space.

EASE OF FINDING HELP:I couldn’t get into their forum, the entry procedure includes a completely unreadable Captcha, but it was easy to find and join their Telegram group. All the help you need should be found there, and I haven’t needed any.


Better than any Arch I’ve ever tried. Better than most other non-Debian based distros, in fact.


I’ve not experienced any issues.


Endeavour OS


any Arch distro you can come across


Ease of Installation                new user                       7/10

           experienced user          7/10

Hardware Issues                                                         8/10

Ease of Finding Help (Community, Web)                    8/10

Ease of Use                                                               10/10

Plays Nice With Others                                              10/10

Stability                                                                       10/10

Overall Rating                                                            9/10

FINAL COMMENTS:Once you get this on your system and have Grub working, you may wonder why other Arch distros are so difficult, or indeed whether you can live without Mint. This was a fine experience, and I would probably choose to keep this installation; I haven’t wiped it yet, but I’ll need to evaluate it when I find a distro for next month.

I also installed ArcoLinux with UKUI desktop. I had no problems with it, but did not like the desktop as well and it seems to still be under development. Random boots featured random issues with the desktop, such as a missing plank or under-functioning UKUI menu button.



INTRO:Fedora 35 is a more advanced distro. That being said, the more time goes on the easier it is to get set up and use. I tested the workstation version that uses the Gnome 41 desktop.

MY HARDWARE:I ran Fedora 35 on both my Desktop and my Laptop. My desktop has a Ryzen 5800x CPU, Nvidia 1650 Super GPU, 256GB SSD Silicon Power, and 16gb DDR4 3200mhz RAM. My laptop has an Intel i7 11800H CPU, Nvidia 3060 Mobile GPU, 500GB SSD samsung 850 evo, and 16gb DDR4 3200mhz RAM.

INSTALLATION EASE AND ISSUES:I did not have any issues installing on either system. I have installed Fedora many times in the past so that plays into my ease of installation. The biggest issue I can see with the installation of Fedora is the flow of the installer. You are given several choices that you need to make. You select each configuration option and choose what you need to do such as selecting a disk to install to. After you select what you want instead of moving forward in the installer it takes you back to the main option screen again. Once you can get past that it’s not so bad.

POST-INSTALLATION HARDWARE FACTS & ISSUES:After installing you then have to create your user and password on first boot. In this version of Fedora you can enable 3rd party repos like Chrome browser and Nvidia drivers right from the user creation wizard. Once that is done it drops you right into Gnome 41 which is the version of Gnome included. If you like Gnome you will love Fedora 35 since it has Gnome 41 which is the newest version of Gnome. Gnome 41 has tons of performance and multitasking improvements and in my opinion is the best Gnome yet. Fedora is a really nice distro that is leading edge but yet stable. It has a ton of packages in the repo and they are all up to date.

I only had one issue and it was pretty critical. Fedora was working fine for weeks on my desktop and then one day after an update everything started running really slowly. Discord actually totally was broken and of course it was the one day I needed it. I was forced to use Windows due to all the issues I had.

EASE OF USE:Once you have everything set up it’s just like any other Gnome based distro. It has a GUI software center and all updates are handled by that. With this version you barely need to use the terminal at all anymore. The only thing I really needed to use the terminal for was getting flathub working.

MEMORY AND DISK USE:All I need to say is Gnome and everyone knows the RAM usage will be higher than any other DE. Htop reports about 1.2gb RAM usage on cold boot. System monitor reports about 3.4GB disk usage after install. 1186 packages to upgrade on first boot it’s a lot but like I said this distro is leading edge. After the update it was using 3.6GB storage and 1.31GB ram.

EASE OF FINDING HELP:Fedora has a lively and friendly community and it’s always easy to find help.

PLAYS NICE WITH OTHERS:I did not test this but I know from experience that it does work well when installing on a UEFI system. I always use UEFI so I can just hit one of the F keys to switch OS’s. Otherwise it uses grub so I would think it works well with other distros.

STABILITY: Fedora 35 is typically super stable, other than that one issue, I never experienced any other issues.

GAMING EASE: Gaming was a snap to get working no pun intended. In fact gaming on Fedora 35 has been great and has some of the best gaming performance I have seen in a Linux distro. One of the best things about gaming on Fedora is the amount of gaming related packages in the official repo.


openSUSE is another similar distro to this

also CentOS Stream which is the downstream of Fedora.


Ease of Installation                new user                 5/10                                               experienced user    8/10

Hardware Issues                                                   8/10

Ease of Finding Help (Community, Web)             10/10

Ease of Use                                                          9/10

Plays Nice With Others                                         8/10

Stability                                                                 9/10

Works with Games                                               9/10

Overall Rating                                                     8/10

FINAL COMMENTS:Fedora 35 is a great distro to use as an everyday computing system or a gaming rig. Once installed the ease of use really goes up dramatically and will be good for any level of user.


from 12/07 – 01/11


Tails 4.25

FreeBSD 12.3

Calculate 22

Zorin 16 “Lite”

Kali Linux 2021.4

SparkyLinux 2021.12

Kaisen Linux 2.0

Pop!_OS 21.10

Univention Corporate Server 5.0-1

ReactOS 0.4.14

elementary OS 6.1

Manjaro Linux 21.2.0

IPFire 2.27-core162

EndeavourOS 21.5

Mabox 21.12

Pardus 21.1

siduction 21.3.0

Rescuezilla 2.3

OSMC 2021.12-1

NuTyX 21.10.12

KDE neon 20211230

RDS 17.0

ArcoLinux 22.01.10

Exe 20211228

Septor 2022

Slackel 7.5 “Openbox”

Snal 1.12

Neptune 7.0

Garuda 220101

Thinstation 6.2.13

Arch 2022.01.01

Rescuezilla 2.3.1

Manjaro 21.2.1

KaOS 2022.01

Raspberry Slideshow 15.0

Gecko “Static” 153.220104.0

Gecko “Rolling” 999.220105.0

Linux Mint 20.3

Clonezilla 2.8.1-12

EasyOS 3.2

antiX 17.5

PCLinuxOS 2022.01.10

Live Raizo

DragonFly 6.2.1

Tails 4.26

Emmabuntüs DE4-1.01

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Our next episode will probably be recorded around February 9th or 16th. For chatting with us further, you may choose to join our 23 users in Telegram, our MeWe group, or the 11 users in our growing channel in Discord.

Moss: Where can our listeners find you, Josh?

Josh: @joshontech on most social networks or email me at [email protected], Also you can find me on Bo and I’s Linux gaming podcast CrowbarKernelPanic.

Moss: Where can our listeners find you, Dale?

Dale: I’m @Dale_CDL on Telegram, Matrix, and Discord. My email is [email protected]

Moss: Tony, what about you?

Tony: You can contact me at [email protected], http://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents.php?hostid=338, Twitter @TonyH1212

Moss: And you can hear me every week on Full Circle Weekly News and mintCast. My email is[email protected], and my Telegram, Discord, Twitter and Mastodon contact info can be found in the show notes, [Moss Bliss on Telegram, @MossHippoLinux #3616 on Discord, @bardictriad on Twitter, @[email protected] on Mastodon,] and you can find me, Dale and Dylan, atItsMOSS dot com.

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