About Tony

Hi! I’m Tony Hughes, I’m British and live on the North West Coast of England. I’m not a computer professional but have been interested in computers and computing since buying my first Home PC back in late 1998, first just using it and later starting to add components to the PC: new CD/DVD writer, additional memory etc. I started to use Linux in 2007 whilst refurbishing old PC’s which were destined to be given away on Freecycle here in the UK. As the requirement to gift something is “it is legal”, and many of the boxes did not have a valid Windows licence, the only economical way to do this was to install Linux ;and as luck would have it, Ubuntu made that a fairly easy option, despite still having to work to get the media codecs to play some audio and video including propriety DVD’s working.

This started my passion for Linux and other Open Source software, and I became a full time Linux user on my daily driver in 2009 after having dual booted for a couple of years. After a major issue with my PC in May of that year, resulting in it needing the operating system to be completely reinstalled, I realised I rarely if ever went into the Windows partition, so I didn’t bother to install it at all.

After using Ubuntu Gnome until the introduction of the Unity DE I changed to Linux Mint MATE and have used this as my daily driver on all my personal computers since. However, I have had a play with many other distributions, often installing in a Virtual Machine and sometimes on a spare laptop or desktop PC I may have around.

When Moss asked if I would like to help him start this podcast, through our work together on the mintCast podcast I thought it would be a great way of sharing my Distro Hopping experience and encourage me to be a little more adventurous in what I try out.

If you want to read more of my computing and Linux journey have a look at this post I made back in 2011 on my occasional Linux Blog.


You can contact me at:   

Email – [email protected]
Twitter – @TonyH1212

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